close up lens




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1·The downside to this display screen is that it's to the left of the camera's lens, so if you're taking a close-up shot of someone, they will appear in the photo like they're glancing away slightly.
2·A good hand lens or loupe of 6x-10x therefore becomes a necessity for inspecting new arrivals and your collection up close and personal.
手持式放大镜或6 - 10倍的放大镜是必须的,这样你才能更好地一一检查新入门的和旧有的植株。
3·When I want to take a close-up with the most recent, and expensive, DSLR, I have to go to the trouble of changing the lens first.
4·See your friends up close and personal with this glass element lens.
5·While he could mount the lens, if it was not focused at it's closest regular focusing distance, the close up range was inoperative due to some sort of internal body restrictions.
6·This Fisheye attachment screws onto the filter adapter tube via a 52mm filter thread and works very well with the included 12.5x Macro Lens attachment allowing superior close-up photography.
这到过滤器转接筒鱼螺丝附件过滤器通过一个52毫米螺纹和工作得很顺利,包括12.5 x微距镜头的附件,允许优秀近距离拍摄。
7·It combines a 3-megapixel sensor with a wide-angle lens, providing VGA resolution that ensures the same high-quality image for the overview as for the close-up.
8·Can inhibit the face out of oil, and preventing the phenomenon of floating makeup or Tuozhuang to shoot close-up lens can be too obvious laugh lines to avoid the phenomenon of powder marks!